Goodbye…but not goodbye.

chris seiberling

Dear Friends –

There are a few times in life where the perfect job comes along at the perfect time. For me in 2007, etc!graphics, inc. was that job. I was growing up, getting out of the bar business, and going back to school. I needed a job where I could grow and learn while getting used to being a student again. And that’s exactly what this opportunity provided me.

It provided me with the ability to learn the science, no, the art, of managing the operations of a small business on a day-to-day basis. It introduced me to the “wild, wild west” of a burgeoning new marketing and branding frontier called social media. It gave me experience in managing the accounting systems necessary to not only effectively run a small business, but track and measure its progress. It gave me an appreciation for good design and made me realize the critical importance of this when building a brand. It provided me an income with which I could help support my family while being a full time student in the evenings and on the weekends.

Lastly, it provided me with the priceless opportunity to network within the Des Moines community. I’ve had the pleasure of developing relationships with many of you; relationships that will continue to grow and develop throughout the years to come. For this I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you that I’ve had the pleasure of doing business with over the course of the last five and a half years. The most rewarding experiences I’ve had here have stemmed from the ability to collaborate and create with each of you. So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

April 27th will be my last day as a business development manager at etc!graphics, inc. It is a bittersweet moment for me. Sad, because I’ll miss the people I work with both internally and externally. Happy, because I’m approaching the finish line of my formal education and getting ready to jump into the next stage of my career. My new job, a contract underwriter position with Merchants Bonding Company, starts on May 1st.  As I was going through the interview process, Merchants was my first choice, so I am looking forward to learning the surety industry under their apt tutelage.

My biggest disappointment in this transition would be to lose contact with you. Please update my email in your contact list to I’d love to hear from all of you, and look forward to seeing each of you again soon!

Most sincerely,


PS – It will still be business as usual here at etc!graphics, inc. If you are in need of any of the visual branding products and services that are offered here, now or in the future, please contact Geri or Kevin. They are excited to continue working with each of you!  Their contact info is as follows: by email ( or or by phone at 515-244-4451.