Why You Need to Stop Doing Quality Work


Part 1- Your Message, Loud & Clear

You need to stop doing quality work.

Yes, just stop it.

What? What is this nut-case saying? Please, let me explain.

Most small business owners work very hard. It is not just because there is a lot to do. There is always more to do in a small company than there are people to do it, and true entrepreneurs know this when they sign up. But beyond the day in day out work, there are many reasons that entrepreneurs are willing to work harder than the next guy. For one, most take great pride in their work. It is one of the reasons that they go into business for themselves in the first place–the old boss never gave them credit. Two, they have a vision, and they know delivering on that vision is their best chance of future sales and future return on investment. And three, no entrepreneur likes to eat a bad job for breakfast. It does not taste good–even with sugar on it–as the loss comes right out of pocket. All great reasons to work hard and work smart.

So why, why, why do entrepreneurs succumb to the tired old slogan, “We Do Quality Work”? “Quality” is so passe. Quality is anemic. It is the least creative way to express the passion and the pride that you pour into each and every product. You deliver far more than Quality. If your product is something to buzz about, and these words are the only words you can think of to throw at it? You are shortchanging yourself. Think about it. If the only reason you say “We Do Quality Work” is because you do not know what else to say? You are shooting a hole right through your marketing foot.

If everyone is saying “We Do Quality Work” what does the word Quality even mean? It means Quality is what everyone claims to deliver. It means Quality is table stakes. Quality is average. Normal. Expected. Quality is, well, not outstanding. Which means you are not standing out. It is time to hang up Quality Work. Do outstanding work. Do sterling. Do superb. Exemplary. Choice. World Class. Do anything, anything but Quality.

Tell the story straight. This is not about spinning a yarn. If your product is not all you claim it to be, go back and start by improving your product. Your words should not only be a fit description of your product to encourage a sale, but should not disappoint expectations after the sale.

One of the best ways to increase the resonance of your marketing is to find the unique value that only you and your company can provide. What can you say that your competitors cannot say? Say it, loud and clear.This unique value is called your Unique Value Proposition. The UVP is one of the most powerful tools you have in your marketing toolbelt. Do yourself a huge favor and spend the time and energy and creativity to unearth these words, brush them off, and hone them to fit. It does not cost you a penny.

The real question is, do want a Bland or a Brand? If your business is hiding underneath a bunch of weary, worn, and sad little cliché’s? Do yourself and your business a favor. Take some time to brainstorm your UVP.

Your marketing will then work as hard as you do.