Is Your Business Attractively Packaged?

is your business attractively packaged?

By Dallas J. Moore

The visual packaging of any brand requires planning. Your brand is an experience, and can be communicated through all the senses that we as humans have, and should evoke an emotional response.

The packaging of your brand is almost as important as your brand itself. If you cannot get potential customers to notice you, or try you out, your story and its emotional response are wasted. You need to get attention without doing what everyone else does. Do how do you accomplish such a task?

Communicate your brand daily. Remember that your visual brand is an extension of your business. Your customers want to know you on another level. So tell them a story, connect with them, and entertain them.  Communicate your values and mission to them.  Be real and honest.

Focus on being original. Trying to be something you are not will make your brand less than authentic. What real unique value do you bring to the table? Take an inventory of brands that inspire you and make notes on what you like and why. Be bold, be fresh, and don’t fear standing alone. Allow your brand to be an extension of your ideal customer’s life.

Truly understand who your customers are, what they want, what is important to them, and how they see the world. Try on their shoes and see where they take you. You don’t have to change for everyone. Simply look at whom you are already serving.  Take time to understand the values of your ideal customer. Why do they choose you? What problems do you solve for them?

If you are not attracting the best customers for your business, consider how you have packaged your brand. It may be time to reevaluate your direction or your value proposition. It is never too late to start over. Rebranding can breathe new life into your business.  If you need help, give us a call. We would love to help you tell your story.